
Topics and reading assignments

This schedule is subject to change, so please check it regularly. We will notify the class of changes that affect the upcoming week or any other major changes…

Week Topic(s) Reading
1 What is Data Science?
Getting started with R and RStudio
ADS, Ch. 1–3
EDAS, Ch. 1, 2
RPDS, Ch. 4–5
UGR, Sec. 4
Intro to RStudio
2 Fundamentals of R
Reproducible analyses
EDAS, Ch. 12
RPDS, Ch. 5, 11, 14, 15
UGR, Sec. 4, 5, 9, 10
R Markdown Guide
3 Manipulating and tidying data EDAR, Ch. 2
EDAS, Ch. 3–4
RPDS, Ch. 10, 13
Note: EDAR Ch. 2 =
RPDS Ch. 13
4 Getting data in and out of R
Exploring and visualizing data (part 1)
ADS Ch. 4
EDAR, Ch. 3–9
EDAS, Ch. 5, 10, 11
RPDS, Ch. 6, 7
5 Exploring and visualizing data (part 2) EDAR, Ch. 13–14
OIS Ch. 3
6 Random variables OIS Ch. 3
7 Statistical inference ADS, Ch. 5–6
OIS Ch. 4
8 Simple statistical tests and estimation EDAS, Ch. 6
OIS, Ch. 5–6
9 Regression and modeling (part 1) ADS, Ch. 7
EDAS, Ch. 8, 9, 13
OIS, Ch. 7
10 Regression and modeling (part 2) OIS, Ch. 8
11 Prediction ADS, Ch. 8–9
EDAS, Ch. 7
Intro Stat Learning, Ch. 2
12 Clustering and dimension reduction EDAR, Ch. 10–12

Text book abbreviations used above

Abbreviation Full Title
ADS The Art of Data Science
EDAR Exploratory Data Analysis with R
EDAS The Elements of Data Analytic Style
OIS OpenIntro Statistics
RPDS R Programming for Data Science
UGR The Undergraduate Guide to R

Chapter numbers used above

Several of our books do not have the chapters numbered. Here are the chapter numbers corresponding to each chapter title.

ADS: The Art of Data Science

Chapter Title
1. Data Analysis as Art
2. Epicycles of Analysis
3. Stating and Refining the Question
4. Exploratory Data Analysis
5. Using Models to Explore Your Data
6. Inference: A Primer
7. Formal Modeling
8. Inference vs. Prediction: Implications for Modeling Strategy
9. Interpreting Your Results
10. Communication
11. Concluding Thoughts
12. About the Authors

EDAR: Exploratory Data Analysis with R

Chapter Title
1. Getting Started with R
2. Managing Data Frames with the dplyr package
3. Exploratory Data Analysis Checklist
4. Principles of Analytic Graphics
5. Exploratory Graphs
6. Plotting Systems
7. Graphics Devices
8. The Base Plotting System
9. Plotting and Color in R
10. Hierarchical Clustering
11. K-Means Clustering
12. Dimension Reduction
13. The ggplot2 Plotting System: Part 1
14. The ggplot2 Plotting System: Part 2
15. Data Analysis Case Study: Changes in Fine Particle Air Pollution in the U.S.
16. About the Author

RPDS: R Programming for Data Science

Chapter Title
1. Stay in Touch!
2. Preface
3. History and Overview of R
4. Getting Started with R
5. R Nuts and Bolts
6. Getting Data In and Out of R
7. Using the readr Package
8. Using Textual and Binary Formats for Storing Data
9. Interfaces to the Outside World
10. Subsetting R Objects
11. Vectorized Operations
12. Dates and Times
13. Managing Data Frames with the dplyr package
14. Control Structures
15. Functions
16. Scoping Rules of R
17. Coding Standards for R
18. Loop Functions
19. Regular Expressions
20. Debugging
21. Profiling R Code
22. Simulation
23. Data Analysis Case Study: Changes in Fine Particle Air Pollution in the U.S.
24. About the Author